(Todays blog is written by Susan Humphrey)

The night before she had pinched her finger in the new rolling bag bought for her hospital stay – traumatic, big tears, and painful….I think it was more about the hugeness of the day ahead than the actual pinched finger – we comforted her. (What are the odds of one pinching fingers twice in two weeks?)
In the admitting department the nurse said her entourage of three would not fit in the triage room; she had to pick one of us. I being the one with breasts was chosen. I have never been so proud of my mother as I have been throughout this day! She answered the zillion questions, many answered with humor others with tears. As the nurse stepped away to use the computer Jane fell asleep un-medicated, but upheld by the love everyone was sending her.
Dr. Acosta stopped by to explain the procedure and explain she would get through it just fine. She gave him a gentle lecture having heard he rides a motorcycle. Jane was then whisked off away, all three of saying “I love you”. Chris, Tim and I settled in the, “Same Day Surgery” waiting area, texts, emails received from many. A friend of Jane’s from the Once Upon A Time days and now a Verdugo Hills Hospital Volunteer came to visit with us while we waited, (on her day off). Dear friend of many, many years, Diane stopped by to visit bringing separate decorative bags of Halloween treats. Susie H. of the Buena Vista Troop came and visited, we reminisced of living on Buena Vista. Such kindness of folks visiting the ‘waiters’ made the time waiting easier and go by faster than expected.
I stepped outside and missed Dr. Acosta’s report that everything had gone well with the surgery, well enough they placed the port for later chemo use – we would be able to see her in her room shortly. When she arrived, groggy of course, but looking well. Excellent color, tolerating the pain, what a trooper. As she became more alert even her well known humor emerged- so uncomfortable but still able to smile- she ordered lunch, when awake enough to eat she ate her ice cream first – She is is on the road to recovery!
There aren’t the words to describe and express how we as a family have felt supported and loved by so many during these challenging times first with Bob and now with Jane. An immense thank you to all!