YOU WERE SO KIND in your comments yesterday. And I must admit that when I look at my small sketches and dabblings, I, too, am surprised. It was the same way with the movies I took and edited...........astonishing to the point that I named them "Fluke Productions". I've stopped both activities for the past couple of years without any idea of why. It's puzzling.
The above was my first attempt and I surprised myself. It's simple, it's basic. I can't even figure out why I like it. I never worked larger than postcard size. (Paint small and you can't make big mistakes was ....... and is........ my philosophy)
I hope you'll be able to read the quotation I pasted into one of my sketchbooks:
If not, then try double clicking the image. The message is that important, in my opinion.

For years I always had my book in one hand and my pen in the other. Sometimes I added color later, other times not.
Such a typical sight in our travels...... we pull into every rest stop along the road. That's Mr. Bob, in his red sweater.
I may be shamelessly bragging unnecessarily. With my movies, a couple of our children were totally turned off. Tim was held captive and made to watch each one, although he once moaned, "I didn't know a DVD could hold this much" and with the other, early on I just stopped sharing my Fluke Productions. I wonder if they'll be looked at after we're gone or just tossed aside?
However, if you're really, truly interested you can see all of my drawings by going here.
I'm warning you. There are a lot of them. |
Hope you don't mind Jane but I've copied Hwy 15 and with your permission, I'd like to try to print it.
Hi Dear Jane & Deer Bob
ReplyDeleteJust love your cards and the "?at home" feeling that accompanies them ... I recall asking you if you would like me to return a wonderful something that you had designed for me. You said, No but thank you - I have an attic filled with them. How wonderful - Love to you both
Jane.....just tell the kids to donate them if they are not going to look at them. They would one day regret. Someone like me or your other friends, would love to look at all of them. Your writings with the drawings make you feel like you can see it as you read.
ReplyDeleteRob, permission granted.
ReplyDeleteJohn, a lot of what was in the attic was pitched. I try not to think about it.
Kathy, you're spoiling me with your comments. Keep it up :o)
Nice to know about the variety of talents you possess. I understand the discomfort in wondering what my kids will bother to look at before throwing away when I'm gone. Just trust that it wont matter by then. I like knowing about how my Crone sisters enjoy living their lives! E.
ReplyDeleteThese are wonderul, Jane! I wish I'd had more time when I met you to really go through your beautiful book. I had to browse through it so quickly. You're very talented. I wish you'd do more!