LEST YOU THINK Mr. Bob has graduated beyond the need to nap, let me assure you that he still snoozes nearly every day, at least once during what are supposed to be our waking hours. And if he misses those naps, it clouds the domestic climate.
Longtime readers will remember that the reason I've pursued slumber photography so ardently is that I grew up with a father who worked nights; therefore I tiptoed through my childhood.....in response to "Shhh, Daddy's sleeping".

Probably we'd been married a fortnight when I realized I'd married a sleeping man and my unhappiness about it reversed when I realized I could turn his naps into a collection of photographs. If I knew how to use the new printer/scanner, I'd send you some sleeping pictures of our early years, but I don't, so you're spared.

For a long time, I thought I'd turn my collection into "The Insomniac's Bedtime Book", limited edition of one, but that idea has worn itself out through procrastination. My flicker photostream has a set of
"The Land of Nod". If you've nothing better to do, look at it one of these days. 108 pictures of people sleeping.
Rest assured that he's used to having his picture taken while he's unconscious by now and he takes my obsession in stride. So none of this "Poor Bob" stuff, please.
This was a good idea, but didn't last long, as Owen hopped up to go on to the next activity. Not so, Mr. Bob.
Here we are, going somewhere on a bus. Mr. Bob missed some of the scenery.
Eventually, he learned to turn the tables on me and there are a fair amount of photos of yours truly.
I do get drowsy when I read. It wasn't always that way. I suspect that keeping late hours along with a sluggish metabolism is the cause.
I have a feeling we've not seen the end of this series yet. It's too much fun to look for new exposures.
"Consciousness: that annoying time between naps."
~Author Unknown