Monday, October 17, 2011


WHO DOESN'T LIKE presents? (anyone besides Mr. Bob?) The gift wrapping usually presents a challenge, for we live with no flat space on which to work and the wrapping supplies aren't exactly all stored in the same place. I'm one of those recyclers who has been known to save ribbon and iron tissue paper........shades of the Great Depression. 
The Schultzes excel in gift wrapping.


I'm so full of ideas and so lacking in follow through that it's pathetic. In my ragged red book of quotations is a poem that I found in one of the women's magazines eons ago. I've always meant to print it up (even before computers came into our easy it would be to do now) to include in every present I give. But have I done it? No. It's a tad awkward because the author's name is "Jane Merchant" and with my name and retail background it would probably come across as a bit twee.

I  share it with you herewith.


Whatever gift I give to you is yours.
Give it away, or keep it, as you will.
The special books, the china miniatures,
The little birds carved with beguiling skill.....
I shall not peer about your house to see
If they are dusted well and duly shown
To visitors as treasured things may be.
I made a gift of them and not a loan.
I know that even gifts sincerely loved,
Both for themselves and for the giver's sake,
Have in life's many changes often proved
A burden; be relieved of the mistake
Of thinking you must keep a gift I give
(Except my love) as long as you shall live.
                     Jane Merchant

One Mother's Day weekend we, along with Tim,
went out of town.
In lieu of paper gift wrap, Tim presented me with gifts
wrapped in hotel hand towels. I loved it!

"You can give without loving,
but you can never love without giving."

        Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! I have often used all sorts of things and my youngest niece is often the recipient!!! Fun times at your house and that diddy poem is one i think is great!! Good to put in gifts. I think i will this year!
